I’ve been lucky enough to get to play around with LEGO 2K Drive over the last couple of months, and here are my thoughts and experiences with the game, as well as my favourite WATCH VIDEO
Tags :legos
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Andrew Schultz about his LEGO alien portal laboratory at Bricks Cascade 2023. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! https://goo.gl/xFsBuQ 👕Our merch store with WATCH VIDEO
#shorts 2022 was an amazing year for cool LEGO sets. But, one was truly a work of art. It comes with a very unique Minifigure, that is like no other. Stay until the end to find WATCH VIDEO
Head to https://squarespace.com/hollyonfilm to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code hollyonfilm It’s been 20 years since the original Clone Wars, and to celebrate, I’m going WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with builders of the LEGO Jurassic Park display at Bricks Cascade 2023 in Portland, Oregon. Learn more about Bricks Cascade: https://www.brickscascade.com/ 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Emmet Berg-Tippin and Caleb Green about their LEGO Star Wars: Battlefront creation at Bricks Cascade 2023. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! https://goo.gl/xFsBuQ 👕WATCH VIDEO
I always love a great detailed minifigure, but at what cost? Here are the new LEGO Star Wars mechs that will be releasing on August 1st. Thanks to JB Spielwaren for the photos! Twitch – https://WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with BayLUG members about their LEGO Coco display at Bricks Cascade 2023. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! https://goo.gl/xFsBuQ 👕Our merch store with exclusive WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Tunnel Bank Robbery #lego #legoland #bankrobbery ———————————————- ►►See more playlist: ★ LEGO Land – Lego Prison Break https://go.woanetwork.com/LegoLandLegoPrisonBreak ★ LEGO Land – Lego Police https://go.woanetwork.com/LegoLandLegoPolice ★ LEGO Land – Lego Apocalypse WATCH VIDEO