Tags :mechanical


The Never Ending LEGO Climber

A design breakdown of my LEGO climber automaton, which continuously climbs up, then slides down a ladder. The robot is powered by a Circuit Cubes Cubit Motor and Battery Cube, which come in their Bluetooth WATCH VIDEO


Making a LEGO Tambour Box

Prototyping and building my custom LEGO Tambour Box. Turn on captions for more insight to the build, or skip to 5:58 to see the finished model. Building instructions will be coming eventually. 0:00 Prototype Design 2:07 Building the WATCH VIDEO


Making a LEGO Domino Machine

Building and testing a LEGO machine for making domino runs. Each ‘domino’ is a stack of 5 1×3 LEGO bricks. Turn on captions for some insight into the design and build process. Skip to 5:14 to see the WATCH VIDEO


Building a Suspended LEGO Train

A suspended train designed to run on the LEGO roller coaster track system. Turn on captions for some insight into the build, or skip to 4:27 to see it running. The motor and controller I’m WATCH VIDEO


Building a Candy Cane Catapult

A candy cane catapult built using the new LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set (51515). Building instructions can be found on my website – https://jkbrickworks.com Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JKBrickworks Instagram: https://WATCH VIDEO