Head to https://squarespace.com/hollyonfilm to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code hollyonfilm LEGO Star Wars have some amazing minifigures, however they also often have missing details or WATCH VIDEO
Tags :minifigure
Today, we’re talking about the rumored LEGO Sonic 2023 sets releasing in August 2023! Plane: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/6f018eca-ffd4-4b96-8fe3-2a2d7d912ea6 Mech: https://www.youtube.com/WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new set for Star Wars’ new show – Young Jedi Adventures! This show is set in the High Republic and will be releasing on June 1st! Ashnflash WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re talking about the second season of the Bad Batch. This is my absolute worst season and show they’ve put out on Disney Plus… Ashnflash Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAcnjXXU0WATCH VIDEO
I’ve been collecting a lot of LEGO pieces recently so I can properly attempt a LEGO MOC (My Own Creation), and have ZERO excuses. I want to try and replicate the Hobbit barrel scene WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 set, Baby Rocket’s Ship releasing on April 1st! Thanks to LEGO / LAN for sending this to me WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 set, the New Guardians’ Ship releasing on April 1st! Thanks to LEGO / LAN for sending this to me WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re taking a look at the brand new LEGO Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 set, the Guardians of the Galaxy Headquarters releasing on April 1st! Thanks to LEGO / LAN for sending this WATCH VIDEO
Today, we’re talking about the Top 10 LEGO Indiana Jones sets I’d like to see happen if the theme continues! You can check out all the IDEAS sets and MOCs used for the video WATCH VIDEO
Two new LEGO Star Wars sets have been spotted on shelves in Canada! It is the two new Return of The Jedi dioramas, the Emperors Throne Room and Endor Speeder Chase. Both seem like great WATCH VIDEO