Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon visits Bricks & Minifigs store in South Jordan, Utah. Find a Bricks & Minifigs store near you at (Sponsored Video) 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos WATCH VIDEO
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Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Joel Tyer and Peter Myers about their LEGO castle island at Brick Rodeo 2021 in Houston, Texas. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Lee from Brick Builder Studios about his LEGO Anaxes shuttle displayed at BrickFair Virginia 2021. Subscribe to Lee’s YouTube channel: 🔔Subscribe WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Brian Lasseter and his son about their LEGO Blacktron base at Brick Rodeo 2021 in Houston, Texas. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! VIDEO
Get The Instructions Here! The AAT (Armored Assualt Tank) Battle Tank served as the primary infantry defense vehicle for the Trade Federation droid army. It was first seen in WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Ethan Tesone and Daniel Ross about their LEGO Star Wars base at BrickFair Virginia 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our WATCH VIDEO
What do you think of the set? Let us know in the comments! Beyond the Brick’s Brian Saviano (aka @Bricks ‘O’ Brian) reviews the LEGO Santa’s Visit set 10293 with 1,445 pieces. Price: $99.99 / €89.99 / £79.99 /159.99 AUD / 139.99 CAD WATCH VIDEO
What’s your favorite model? Let us know in the comments! Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon and Brian Saviano (aka @Bricks ‘O’ Brian) give you a tour of the entire exhibition floor at BrickFair WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Joshua Higgs about his LEGO World War I trench battle scene at BrickFair Virginia 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our WATCH VIDEO
Beyond the Brick’s Joshua Hanlon talks with Matt De Lanoy about his Overwatch Chateau Guillard displayed at Brick Days Omaha 2021. 🔔Subscribe for awesome new LEGO videos every day! 👕Our merch WATCH VIDEO