!!SPOILERS FOR THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT FINALE!! I accidentally started army building becuase I bought a few too many sets and got addicted. Except my army is tiny compared to everyone else. Instagram – PotterMinifigPals (WATCH VIDEO
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!!SPOILERS FOR THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT FINALE!! I accidentally started army building becuase I bought a few too many sets and got addicted. Except my army is tiny compared to everyone else. Instagram – PotterMinifigPals (WATCH VIDEO
Lego Ideas projects: Barn find cars: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/106c83cd-8890-4282-9250-769701cde607 JAWS: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/051e1a19-8037-4433-b3cf-272b389b3877 Adventurers: https://ideas.lego.WATCH VIDEO
We may still be waiting for some Deathly Hallows sets but at least you guys have got us covered until then. The true MVPs of LEGO Instagram – Holly.onfilm (https://www.instagram.com/holly.onfilm/) WATCH VIDEO
THANK YOU GUYS! Emily: https://www.youtube.com/c/Emmasaurus Claire: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThePlasticArchitect Matt: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBrickWiz Instagram – Holly.onfilm (https://www.instagram.com/holly.onfilm/) Gaming Channel – WATCH VIDEO
Our LEGO Harry Potter icon is about to leave shelves for good alongside a long list of other sets. If you’ve been waiting for any of these sets now is the time to buy WATCH VIDEO
LEGO Harry Potter is one of the most consistantly amazing themes and has some of the most incredible sets and minifigures. However like anything, there are some that just fell flat, didn’t age well WATCH VIDEO
Being good with my LEGO buys this year is clearly going well… but at least most of them were actually planned and budgeted for so I don’t feel too bad. I got a lot WATCH VIDEO
Today we’ll be taking a look at one of my favourite of the original LEGO Harry Potter sets, The Dumstrang Ship. This now retired set released in 2006 alongside the Goblet of Fire and still WATCH VIDEO
Marvel’s Thor has (or had) his Mjolnir and now you can have a plastic brick-based version for, yikes, $100 USD. Releases March 1, 2022. ⭐ My new LEGO reviews: https://youtube.com/JANGsLEGOreviews 📺 Twitch live streams: https://twitch.WATCH VIDEO