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Tags :review
After months of not buying all too many new releases, LEGO decided to break that streak and give an amazing October wave full of so many sets I love, many of which I want to WATCH VIDEO
I recently got an ad for a company called Wicked Brick on my Instagram, who sell a bunch of LEGO display solutions for a wide range of sets. Their range specifically for the IKEA KALLAX WATCH VIDEO
It’s the 20th Anniversary of LEGO Harry Potter and the fourth year into the themes reboot, so how does the microscale Hogwarts Castle set hold up in 2021? The iconic castle silhouette has been immortalised WATCH VIDEO
The designers of LEGO Harry Potter have been leaving two movies out of the set line ups for a while now, and we’ve gotten an answer to why. However I feel like the response WATCH VIDEO
We are finally building the next Grogu of the family today, I got him for Christmas and was supposed to build him back in March. Today is finally time… Instagram – PotterMinifigPals ( WATCH VIDEO
The recent LEGO Marvel Minifigure series gave us some amazing figures, so now it’s time to go back and upgrade and improve some of the ones we’ve already gotten. Using a mix of WATCH VIDEO
Today we have the smallest of the new LEGO Eternals sets, the Eternals Aerial Assault. This set is one of the first non 4+ cheap sets we’ve gotten in a while, and I hope LEGO WATCH VIDEO
Today we will be looking at the new LEGO Marvel Eternals Deviant Ambush, which is the second smallest set out of this wave. With only one exclusive figure and a build that isn’t too WATCH VIDEO
Undoubtedly the new LEGO Marvel Eternals In Arishem’s Shadow has to be on of the coolest looking sets out of the Autumn wave. Today we will be taking a look at this unique Marvel WATCH VIDEO