Tags :SpitBrix


LEGO Light Bricks Are Evolving…

Special LEGO light bricks are being included in more and more sets! πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy In 1958, LEGO released the first light brick which used a battery and WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Has Never Done This Before…

Stick around to see what it is that LEGO has never done before… πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy! Become a SpitBrix Member for exclusive perks ➝ https://www.youtube.com/WATCH VIDEO



These are the lowest-rated and worst LEGO minifigures in sets! πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy LEGO makes a lot of great minifigures, but not all can be winners. Let’WATCH VIDEO


The Tastiest LEGO Build πŸ˜‹

Could this be the tastiest LEGO to exist? Watch until the end to find out! πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos! πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy! Become a SpitBrix Member for exclusive perks ➝ https://www.WATCH VIDEO


50 Secrets in LEGO Sets!

The 50 Best Hidden Secrets and Easter Eggs in LEGO Sets! πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy Let’s explore the most clever LEGO secrets, references, and easter eggs! From sets WATCH VIDEO



These LEGO sets have genius building techniques and pieces! πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy Let’s explore the most clever and creative LEGO sets in this video! From clever WATCH VIDEO


LEGO’s New Strategy is LAZY

Why is LEGO releasing the same set in different colors? πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy LEGO has begun rereleasing popular LEGO sets in new colors. Same set. Different colors. WATCH VIDEO


LEGO Sets That Should Be 18+

These LEGO sets have a surprising amount of blood and gore πŸ”” SUBSCRIBE for more LEGO videos πŸ‘ Leave a LIKE if you enjoy LEGO is known to be a kid friendly toy, but some LEGO sets WATCH VIDEO