Will Hank find out Walter White is Heisenberg? Find out in this brickfilm parody (I hate writing these descriptions). As a huge fan of the shows Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I have always WATCH VIDEO
Tags :Stop Motion
The Wizarding World is full of potential for jokes and gags! Here’s a compilation of just a few! Let me know if you enjoy these and maybe I’ll make more! NOTE: Hufflepuff rocks. WATCH VIDEO
Exclusive first look at the upcoming brickfilm THE CLEANERS 2! Subscribe for MORE!: https://bit.ly/3fNXWYj Send me a TIP $$: https://ko-fi.com/mindgame FOLLOW ME ON: Ko-fi ► https://ko-fi.com/mindgame Patreon ► https://www.WATCH VIDEO
There are many ways to survive being stranded on a desert island. We demonstrate a handful of them here! Zach Macias and Nathan Wells’ collaboration to the Bricks in Motion 18th Annual Twenty-Four Hour Animation WATCH VIDEO
SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/PgMn6dWATCH VIDEO
Ending 2020 with a bang. Happy New Years from MindGame Studios! Subscribe for MORE!: https://bit.ly/3fNXWYj FOLLOW ME ON: Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/mindgamestudios Twitter ► http://twitter.com/zachmg Twitch ► https://twitch.tv/WATCH VIDEO
LEGO City Island Prison Break TunnelFull Story Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: YouTube Audio Library SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/PgMn6dWATCH VIDEO
Been playing Control on my Twitch stream lately and really fallen in love with it and its awesome fight and combat mechanics. Enough so that I wanted to make a little LEGO tribute to it! WATCH VIDEO
Lego City Shark Attack Rescue Baby Stop Motion Animation Movie. Created By LEGOSTOP Films. Music: YouTube Audio Library SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/PgMn6dWATCH VIDEO
A LEGO stop motion tribute to the great Kareem Campbell and one of the cleanest tricks ever landed in skating – the Ghetto Bird. Plus, a how-to breakdown of the animation and editing work that went WATCH VIDEO