Today we sort LEGO for a LONG TIME! Mrs. Bricksie and I were determined to clean up our workspace and took care of business! LEGO affiliate link: VIDEO
Tags :storage
Can you classify Mrs. Bricksie and I to be a little bit OCD… yes, yes you can. But this is a game changer for sorted LEGO parts! In this video we re-sort all of our WATCH VIDEO
Today I give my LEGO ROOM a much-needed UPGRADE! In order to do that I had to head to Walmart to pick up some supplies… you know I checked out the LEGO isle while I WATCH VIDEO
Today I showcase all of the fixtures that I use to display and store LEGO – this is a very commonly asked question so I figured it needed and in-depth overview! Over the years I have WATCH VIDEO
Ever wonder what my LEGO collection storage unit looked like? – Join this channel to get access to perks! …The OFFICIAL just2good Discord server: https://discord.WATCH VIDEO
What do you know… Bricksie made another MISTAKE! Nothing that can’t be fixed though and with every negative there is a positive! In this video, we come up with a new storage solution for WATCH VIDEO
We have A LOT OF LEGO… that means we have A LOT OF INSTRUCTIONS! How do we store all of these instructions? Find out in this new LEGO how-to video! In this video, we reorganize WATCH VIDEO
In this VLOG we make some LEGO room upgrades by adding some new part bins! They are amazing! Now we will be so much more organized moving forward! Not only did we add new part WATCH VIDEO