In this update, we put carpet on the stairs, upgraded the plumbing, and cleaned up. In addition to that, I stopped at a computer store and am contemplating making a much-needed upgrade to some of WATCH VIDEO
Tags :studio
In this Studio Update we clean up a huge mess, shuffle some things around, and finish laying the carpet! One massive step toward completing the new LEGO studio!! LEGO affiliate link: VIDEO
In this exciting VLOG we head to the LEGO store to check out the Pick-a-Brick wall and find some great pieces. After that we head to Costco to get some groceries… of course, I check WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO Studio Update I clean up the mess created by the carpet, trim, and light install… with progress comes a big mess! I also apply the second coat of paint on the custom-built WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO Studio Update, we install carpet in the mezzanine and lights in the city space. The carpet looks EPIC! So do the lights! Not only does the carpet finish off the area, but WATCH VIDEO
In this VLOG we head to the LEGO Studio and continue working on a few things such as preparing for the carpet install, framing the utility room ceiling, painting the cabinets, and installing the trim. WATCH VIDEO
THE END IS IN SIGHT! In this LEGO Studio Update, we touch up some walls, install the utility room door, cap the pony walls, finish the carpentry work on the stairs, and much more. We WATCH VIDEO
In this studio update, we continue painting the LEGO City Cloud Mural! Also, more paint! The ugly beat-up walls have been rolled! So far I am really happy with the outcome of the cloud mural WATCH VIDEO
We started painting the cloud mural for the LEGO city! I didn’t want to do this in my basement, but at the studio… why not! Locking this down has been quite the journey; I WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO Studio update we remove the ugly vent from the mezzanine space, prep the walls for paint, add a trim under the cabinets, clean the vents, talk about the next steps, and more! WATCH VIDEO