In this LEGO room Update, we unbox the new Disney Castle, put some things back in the LEGO city, showcase a HUGE amount of Minifigures, take a quick look at some sets, and much more! WATCH VIDEO
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In this update I create a custom MILS plate for the Hocus Pocus Sanders Sisters’ Cottage and place I’m the LEGO City! It fits perfectly on the raised platform above the amusement park… and WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update we take a look at everything that has changed since the last complete overview on April 29th… A LOT has been added/ upgraded in the city! In addition to taking WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city update, I finally finish the beach! A long time ago I decided to remodel a huge portion of my LEGO city by removing the boat dock and expanding the campground/beach. WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city amusement park update I finish MILS plating the new layout! This includes train tracks, platform coverings, the Haunted Mansion, and much more Use these affiliate links to buy directly from LEGO WATCH VIDEO
The amusement park needed more space… so that’s what I gave it! In this LEGO city update, I make some serious changes to the layout that opens up space for the Disney Castle, Haunted WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City amusement park update I fix the custom mixer platform, adjust the layout, start adding details, and come up with the next big project! Use these affiliate links to buy directly from WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO city amusement park update I make a custom platform for the mixer, add a train crossing, change the layout, address suggestions from the last video, and end up working for 12 hours! Use WATCH VIDEO
Today I start working on the amusement park!! It has been a long time coming – that’s for sure! The city has come a long way though and I knew that this huge project had WATCH VIDEO
In this update, I share my thoughts on the new DC and Marvel Superhero sets coming out this summer! In addition to that, I also work on the LEGO city. The city update includes a WATCH VIDEO