Today we get a TON of stuff done in the LEGO room! Now it is looking FRESH! This video includes display changes, unboxing, sorting, Helms Deep, and much more. Use these affiliate links to buy WATCH VIDEO
Tags :Update
Check out this HUGE LEGO CITY layout that was created by my local LUG! This was put together for a train show but it has so much more than just that! The city includes an WATCH VIDEO
Today we finish building all the roads in the LEGO city!! It looks soo good. We could do this because all 999 of our light gray tiles arrived… and we used them all! In addition to WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO room update, we make some changes to the shelves and city! The Hogwarts Express Collectors’ Edition is huge… and I needed to find a home for it! After trying a few different WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO room VLOG, we completely reorganize my part bins, work on the LEGO city, and start building the amusement park! Included in that is MILS plating the ferris wheel and carousel! Join the WATCH VIDEO
In this LEGO City update, we place the lighthouse! It looks pretty awesome in the ocean by the beach and boat docks and acts as a perfect division between the two. Not to mention it WATCH VIDEO
Today we start working on the new LEGO City layout! These changes are EPIC and involve moving all of the modulars, residential buildings, zoo, and much more! I am really excited about this new layout WATCH VIDEO
Well, that escalated quickly! But you know what, I think the new layout will look incredible when it is done. Sort of a blast from the past but much bigger and better. Today we started WATCH VIDEO
Well, these changes will take the LEGO city to the next level! It is HUGE! It is now our largest rectangular layout yet! Can not explain how excited I am for this. There are some WATCH VIDEO
Today we completely change the LEGO city’s pop culture street in preparation for the upcoming Sanctum Sanctorum! These changes include moving most of the buildings and the ZOO! Check out what we did and WATCH VIDEO