Tags :zoo


New LEGO Zoo Bird Aviary!

In this LEGO City Zoo Update I build the new bird aviary! The new version is over double the size of the existing aviary! It features a walking loop, flowers, a massive tree, cliff edge, WATCH VIDEO


A Fresh Start for the LEGO Zoo!

Join Whatnot, get $15 and drop into my stream on September 14th at 12pm mst: https://whatnot.com/invite/bricksie It is time to give the zoo a fresh start! LEGO affiliate link: https://click.linksynergy.WATCH VIDEO


Starting my NEW LEGO ZOO!

Today I start working on my new LEGO Zoo for the new LEGO city layout! The zoo will be larger than ever before and I hope to add some exciting things like a creak, elevation, WATCH VIDEO